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Top 10 Publications:
- Long-term predictors of coronary artery disease and mortality in type 1 diabetes - a 14 year longitudinal cohort study. Weis U, Turner B, Gibney J, Watts GF, Burke V, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2001; 94:623-630
- Endothelial function in type 1 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria. Meeking DR, Cummings MH, Thorne S, Donald A, Clarkson P, Crook JR, Watts GF, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16:841-847.
- Urinary infection and albumin excretion in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: implications for the measurement of microalbuminuria. Watts GF, O'Brien SF, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine 1996; 13 : 520524.
- Serum Sialic acid and the long-term complications of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Powrie JK, Watts GF, Crook MA, Ingham JN, Taub NA, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine 1996; 13 : 238-242
- The development of microalbuminuria in IDDM is determined by glycaemic control and not by blood pressure of ACE gene polymorphism. Powrie JK, Watts GF, Ingham JN, Taub NA, Talmud PJ and Shaw KM. BMJ (1994) 309 1608-12
- The immunogenetics of early nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: Association between the HLA-A2 antigen and albuminuria. Watts GF, Taub N, Gant V, Wilson I, Shaw KM. Quarterly Journal Med (1992) 83 : 461-471.
- The determinants of early nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: A prospective study based on the urinary excretion of albumin. Watts GF, Harris R, Shaw KM. Quarterly Journal of Medicine (1991) 79 : 365-378
- Serum lipids and lipoproteins in insulin-dependent diabetic patients with persistent microalbuminuria. Watts GF, Naumova R, Salvin BM, Morris RW, Houlston R, Kubal C, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine (1989) 6 (1) 25-30
- The Impact of Levodopa Therapy on Parkinson's Disease. Shaw KM, Lees AJ and Stern GM. Quarterly Journal Medicine (1980) 49 No 195 283-293.
- Sustained Levodopa Therapy in Parkinsonism. Hunter KR, Laurence DR, Shaw KM and Stern GM. Lancet (1973) 11 929-931.
- Sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes (Abstract) Meeking D R, Fosbury J A, Cummings M H, Alexander W D, Shaw K M, Russell-Jones D L Diabetic Medicine 1997; 14 : S4
- Insulin Lispro :- Insulin with a rapid onset of action Shaw K M Precsriber 1997; 29-32
- Clinical Experience of a rapid-acting insulin analogue (insulin Lispro). Supplement. Shaw K M, (Ed) Practical Diabetes International 1997; 14 : S1-12
- Hypoglycaemia and diabetes : clinical and physiological aspects (book review) Shaw K M Practical Diabetes International 1997; 14 : 31
- The determinants of microalbuminuria (early nephropathy) in insulin-dependent diabetes - the Portsmouth Cohort long-term prospective study (abstract). Shaw K M, Watts G F, Cummings M H, Meeking D Proceedings of 1st Portsmouth Health Research Conference 1997, 27.
- Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (leader) Greenwood R, Shaw K, Wales J Practical Diabetes International 1998; 15 : 3.
- The Portsmouth Diabetes Centre Shaw K M, Cradock S. In Diabetes Centres in the United Kingdom ; A British Diabetic Association Report (Eds Hall m, Keen H, Guppy T)1998 : 42-44
- A united front will improve diabetes care (letter) Wales J, Greenwood R, Shaw K Hospital Doctor 1998; 23 April : 18
- The relative importance of nitric oxide and prostaglandin activity in determining endothelial function in healthy adults. Meeking DR, Allard S, Munday J, Chowienczyk P, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Clinical Science (Abst) 1998;95(2):M32
- The acute effects of prostaglandin inhibition on ACh -mediated vasodilatation in type 1 diabetes. Meeking DR, Allard S, Munday J, Chowienczyk P, Shaw KM, Cummings MH.Diabetic Medicine (abst) 1998;15(2):S4
- Five years' clinical experience of Acarbose. Shaw KM, Page MD, Sinclair AJ, Greenwood RH Practical Diabetes International (Supp) 1998;15(6) :S1-8
- Influenza Vaccination in diabetes : Is it evidence-based? (Leader) Sadler M, Heyworth N, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 1998; 15(7) :193-194
- Viagra : Facts, Fiction and Furore (Leader) Cummings MH, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 1998; 15(7) :195-196
- Sexual dysfunction and sexual health concerns in women with diabetes. Meeking DR, Fosbury JA, Cummings MH, Alexander WD, Shaw KM,Russell-Jones DL. Sexual Dysfunction 1999;
- The DIGAMI debate continues (Leader). Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 1999; 16(2) : 31-32
- DIAS significantly improves the effectiveness of intensive nurse management of patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes (Abstract) Meeking DR, Parkin T, Cradock S, Wood J, Hejlesen OK, Shaw KM, Cavan DA. Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16 (suppl) : 45
- Predictors of coronary artery disease and mortality in type 1 diabetes - results from a 14-year longitudinal study (abstr). Weis U, Turner B, Gibney J, Watts GF, Burke V, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16 (supp 1) : 58
- Forearm vasodilatory responses to substance P in patients with type 1 diabetes and in healthy control subjects (abstr) Meeking DR, Chowienczyk P, Allard S, Munday J, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16(supp 1) : 86
- Plus Ca Change (Leader) Shaw K M, Practical Diabetes International 1999; 16: 97
- Into the 21st century with Wiley (Leader) Sham KM, Wroe J Practical Diabetes International 1999; 16 : 129
- Type 2 diabetes and the human genome project (Leader) Practical Diabetes International 1999; 16 :130
- Insulin Resistance (foreword): Proceedings of APC/BDA Symposium Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 1999; 16 (supp) : S2
- Prostaglandin mediated vasodilatory action in response to acetyl-choline infusion is greater in patients with type 1 diabetes compared with controls (abstract) Meeking DR, Allard S, Munday J, Chowienczyk P, Shaw K, Cummings MH Diabetologia 1999; 42 (suppl) : 323
- Homocysteine, sialic acid and the vascular endothelium in longstanding type 1 diabetic patients (abstract) Gibney J, Weis U, Turner B, Gorman P, Watts GF, Powrie J, Crook M, Shaw KM, Cummings MH
- Practical Diabetes International Into 2000 (Leader). Shaw KM, Wroe J, Reece D. Practical Diabetes International 2000; 17: 1-2
- Trainee Reduction Cause for Concern (Letter) Greenwood R, Wales J, Shaw K, Hospital Doctor 2000; 9th March : 11
- Comparison of vasodilatory effects of substance P in human forearm vessels of normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Meeking DR, Allard S, Munday J, Chowienczyk P J, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2000; 17: 243-246
- The Dotted line (commentary). Shaw KM, Practical Diabetes International 2000: 17; 69-70
- Foreword. Shaw KM in Psychology in Diabetes Care 2000; ed Snoek F, Skinner T, Diabetes in Practice Series John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK : IX-X
- Effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition on vasodilatory response to acetylcholine in patients with type 1 diabetes and non-diabetic subjects. Meeking DR, Browne DL, Allard S, Munday J, Chowienczyck PJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetes Care 2000; 23(12) : 1-4
- Endothelial function in type 1 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria. Meeking DR, Cummings MH, Thorne S, Donald A, Clarkson P, Crook JR, Watts GF, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16:841-847
- Reactive hyperaemia in negatively and independently associated with retinopathy in type 1 diabetes (abstract) Cummings MH, Gibney J, Weis U, Turner B, Meeking DR, Cansfield J, Watts G, Powrie J, Shaw KM Diabetologia 2000; 43(1):1058
- Inflammation and vascular reactivity in type 1 diabetes (abstract) Gibney J, Weis U, Turner B, Cansfield J, Meeking DR, Watts G, Powrie JR, Crook M, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2000; 17(1) : 199
- Musculoskeletal disease in diabetes (review) Browne DL, McCrae F, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2001; 18(2); 62-64.
- Hypercalcaemia associated with acute inflammation (Case reports). Browne DL, Holt HB, Meeking DR, Cummings MH, Shaw KM. Abstract, proceeding 20th Joint Meeting of British Endocrine Societies Spring 2001: P49.
- Reduced nocturnal hypoglycaemia with twice daily humalog mix 25 compared to human insulin 30/70 in patients with type 2 diabetes. Brash PD, Shaw K for Humalog Mix 25 Study Group (abstract). Diabetic Medicine 2001; 18(2): 15 (A41)
- Association between birth weight and biochemical/biophysical markers of endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetes. Weis U, Gibney J, Turner B, Meeking DR, Cansfield J, Watts GF, Crook M, Shaw KM, Cummings MH (abstract). Diabetic Medicine 2001; 18(2): 89 (P183)
- The synergistic effect of nitric oxide and prostaglandings in determining endothelial function in type 1 diabetes. Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. (abstract) Diabetic Medicine 2001: 18(2) : 93 (P197)
- Effects of educational and psychosocial intervention for adolescents with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Hampson SE, Skinner TC, Hart J, Storey L, Gage H, Foxcroft D, Kimber A, Shaw K, Walker J, Health Technol Assess 2001; 5(10).
- Enter the new diabetes website player: Diabetesonestop.com (leader) Shaw KM, Yapp A. Practical Diabetes International 2001; 18:73-74.
- The relative contributions and synergy between vasodilatory prostanoids and nitric oxide in determining endothelial function in type 1 diabetes (Abstract) Browne DL, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetes 2001; (599P): A14 G
- Oral anti diabetic drugs in type 2 diabetes (review). Shaw KM Prescriber 2001; 12(11):65-76
- New Horizons in insulin pump therapy (commentary) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2001: 18(S) Special supplement : S2 and S12
- ABC of Diabetes (Watkins) 4th Ed (Book Review) Shaw KM. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 2000; 16:1
- Raising the profile: A "wish" list for the Diabetes National Service Framework (commentary). Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2001; 18(1) : 34
- Diabetes - A state of premature cardiovascular death (leader) Fisher M, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2001; 18(6): 183-184
- The National Research Strategy : Implications for diabetes research in the NHS (Leader). Greenwood K, Shaw K Practical Diabetes International 2001; 18 (9) 303-304
- Long-term predictors of coronary artery disease and mortality in type 1 diabetes - a 14 year longitudinal cohort study. Weis U, Turner B, Gibney J, Watts GF, Burke V, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2001; 94:623-630
- The Diabetic National Service Framework : Setting the Standard (leader) Cradock S, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2002; 19(1) : 3-4
- How to get a paper published in Practical Diabetes International (leader) Shaw KM, Wroe J Practical Diabetes International 2002; 19 : 95-96
- Do 'uncomplicated' type 2 diabetic patients requiring insulin exist? (Abstract) Waterhouse M, Meeking DR, Cradock S, Prescott A, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2002; 19(2): 32
- Diabetic erectile dysfunction - an indicator of generalised endothelial function? (Abstract) Browne DL, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2002; 19(2): 46
- Diabetic patients attitudes to clinical trials (Abstract) Munday LJ, Browne DL, Allard SE, Meeking DR, Cummings MH, Shaw KM Diabetic Medicine (2002); 19(2) : 68
- Do 'uncomplicated' type 2 diabetic patients requiring insulin exist? (Abstract) Waterhouse M, Meeking DR, Cradock S, Prescott A, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2002; 19(2) : 32
- Diabetic erectile dysfunction - An indicator of generalised endothelial function? (Abstract) Browne DL, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2002; 19(2) : 46
- Diabetic Patients attitudes to clinical trials (Abstract). Munday LJ, Browne DL, Allard SE, Meeking DR, Cummings MH, Shaw KM Diabetic Medicine (2002); 19(2) : 68
- Interactions between angiotensin,nitric oxide and prostanoids in determining endothelial function in Type 1 Diabetes (abstract) Browne DL, Allard S, Munday J, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetologia 2002 45(2): A396
- Can established diabetic complications be reversed? The evidence for secondary prevention (chapter) Shaw KM in 'The Evidence Base for Diabetes Care, ED. Williams R, Herman W, Kinmonth AL, Wareham A. 2002. Chapter 29: p667-678 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
- A weariness of the flesh (leader) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2002, 19:237
- A New Year and a new look (leader) Shaw K, Curtis T Practical Diabetes International 2003, 20 : 3
- Ear lobe creases and coronary heart disease (vignette) Thynne A, Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2003, 20 :39
- Reforming the NHS : Can the government deliver? (Lecture) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2003, 20 : 35-36
- Endothelial dysfunction and presymptomatic atherosclerosis in Type 1 diabetes - pathogenesis and identification Browne D, Meeking D, Shaw K, Cummings M (Review) Diabetes and Vascular Disease 2003, 3 : 27-34
- The contribution of vaso active prostanoids to the vasodilatory action of bradykinin in type 1 diabetes (abstract) Wotherspoon F, Browne DL, Meeking D, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(2) : 60 (P101)
- National Service Framework for diabetes : The ABCD response (leader) Greenwood R, Shaw KM, Winocour P ABCD Newsletter 2003; 2 : 3
- The carbohydrate debate : What is best for patients with diabetes? (commentary) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2003; 20 : 139
- Have we got the specialist resources to deliver diabetes care? (report) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes International 2003; 20 : 158-159
- National Service Framework for Diabetes leaves question open (letter) Greenwood RH, Shaw KM, Winocour P Brit Med Journ 2003; 326 : 881-882
- Nitrate tolerance and the link with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress (review) Fayers KE, Cummings MH, Shaw KM, Laight DW Brit J Clin Pharmacol 2003; 56 : 620-628
- The European Guide-Study : Double Blind comparison of two once-daily sulphonylureas gliclazide Mr and glimepriride in type 2 patients (original) Schernthaner G, Shaw KM et al (submitted)
- HRT: Increased cardiac risk in diabetes (leader) Shaw KM, Cummings MH Pract Diab Int 2003; 20 (8) : 268-269
- Homocysteine, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in type 1 diabetes mellitus (review) Wotherspoon F, Laight DW, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Br Journ Diabetes Vasc Disease 2003; 3 : 334-40
- Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade does not affect endothelial tone in type 1 diabetes (original) Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday JL, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Submitted to Atherosclerosis
- The New Contract : Diabetes (review) Shaw KM General Practitioner 2003 Part One : 17 November 2003 : 67-68 Part Two : 24 November 2003 : 53-54
- Will NICE Guidelines on the management of type 2 diabetes improve diabetes care? (leader) Winocour P, Shaw KM, Greenwood R Practical Diabetes Int 2004(21) : 3-6
- The Journal comes of age (leader) Shaw KM Practical Diabetes Int 2004 (21) : 46-47
- The contribution of nitric oxide and prostaglandins to endothelial function in type 1 diabetics with and without microalbuminuria (abstract) Wotherspoon F, Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH Diabetic Medicine 2004; 21 (2) : 107-8
- Reduced Forearm Reactive Hyperaemia in Normoalbuminuric Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes and Retinopathy (Original Article). Gibney J, Turner B, Weis U, Meeking DR, Cansfield J, Watts GF, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2004; 21:931-935
- Exercising Current Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetes: Effective, Economic and Ego-Boosting (Leader). Cummings M, Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2004; 21(6):1-2
- Access to Dietetic Services in the UK (Letter). Winocour P, Shaw KM, Greenwood RH. Diabetic Medicine 2004; 21:646
- GUIDE Study: Double-Blind Comparison of Once-Daily Gliclazide MR and Glimepiride in Type 2 Diabetic Patients (Original). Schernthaner G, Grimaldi A, Di Mario U, Drzewoski J, Kempler P, Kvapil M, Novials A, Rottiers R, Rutten G, Shaw KM. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2005; 34(8):535-542
- The Effect of Oral Folic Acid on Endothelial Function in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (Abstract). Wotherspoon F, Allard SL, Munday LJ, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2005; 22(2):37
- Trends in Diabetic Mother and Foetal Characteristics Attending for Pregnancy Care, 1988-2004: Implications for Meeting the Diabetes National Service Framework Pregnancy Standards (Abstract). Cummings M, Spendlove D, Salloum M, Moutter S, Thynne AD, Shaw KM. Diabetic Medicine 2005; 22(2):73
- The Contribution of Nitric Oxide and Vasodilatory Prostanoids to Bradykinin-Mediated Vasodilatation in Type 1 Diabetes (Original Article). Wotherspoon F, Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard SL, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2005; 22:697-702
- Optimising Glycaemic Management of Type 2 Diabetes (Review). Shaw KM. Geriatric Medicine 2005 Jan.
- Diabetes: Chronic Complications (Book - 2nd Edition). Editors: Shaw KM, Cummings MH. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester: 2005
- Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Original). Bickerton AST, Clark N, Meeking DR, Shaw KM, Crook M, Lumb P, Turner C, Cummings MH. Journal Clinical Pathology 2005; 58:151-154
- Angiotensin 11 Does not Affect Endothelial Tone in Type 1 Diabetes - Results of a Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial (Original). Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2005; 23:53-59
- UK Specialist Diabetes Services at the Crossroads - Moving in the Right Direction or Heading into the Wilderness? (Commentary). Winocour P, Shaw KM, Greenwood R. Assoc British Clinical Diabetologists Newsletter 2005; 7:4
- New Insulin Receptor Sensitisers (Abstract). Shaw KM, J Med. Assoc Thai 2005; 88(6):37
- Flavonoid-rich grapeseed extracts: a new approach in high cardiovascular risk patients? (0riginal). Kar P, Laight d, Shaw K M, Cummings M H. Int J Clin Pract 2006 (60); 11 : 1484 - 1492
- Is There a Role for Diabetes Consultants on Cardiology Wards? (Abstract). Kar P, Wheatley K, Meeking DR, Cranston I, Abdul-Aziz L, Shaw KM, Cummings M. Diabetic Medicine 2006; 23(2):57
- Overcoming the Hurdles to Achieving Glycaemic Control (Review). Shaw KM. Metabolism Clinical & Experimental 2006; 55(1):6-9
- Aspirin and Diabetes (Review). Raghavan R, Laight DW, Shaw KM, Cummings M. British Journal Diabetes Vasc Dis 2006; 6:74-82
- Plasma Homocysteine, Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Function in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Microalbuminuria (Original). Wotherspoon F, Laight DW, Browne DL, Turner C, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings M. Diabetic Medicine 2006; 23:1350-1354
- Epidemiological Study for the evaluation of Metabolic Disorders in Schizophrenic patients: METEOR Study (Abstract). Falissard B, De Hert M, Mauri M, Shaw K, Wetterling T. ECNP 2007
- Unusual Presentation of Diabetic Seizures (Diabetes Vignette). Atkin M, Pinto A, Shaw K. Practical Diabetes International 2007; 24 (5): 234
- Rosiglitazone: the prescribing dilemma continues (Leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2007; 24 (8): 392
- Vasodilator Prostanoids compensate for attenuated nitric oxide mediated vasodilation in Type 1 Diabetes (Original). Browne DL, Meeking DR, Allard S, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. British Journ Diabetes & Vascular Dis. (In Press)
- NICE Guidance and Inhaled Insulin (Leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2007; 24(1):1
- Does flavonoid supplementation improve endothelial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes? (Abstract). Kar P, Laight D, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2007; 24 (Suppl.1):46-47
- Is there an association between pulse pressure and endothelial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetic patients? (Abstract). Kar P, Laight D, Allard S, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine (Suppl. 1) 2007; 47
- Effects of differing doses of aspirin on markers of oxidative stress in Type 2 diabetes (Abstract). Raghaven RP, Laight DW, Allard S, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2007 (Suppl. 1): 48
- Flavonoid supplementation in Type 2 diabetes: does it have an effect upon insulin resistance or oxidative stress? (Abstract). Kar P, Laight D, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine, 2008, 25 (Supp.1): 5-6
- Associations between novel markers of cardiovascular risk in a Type 2 diabetic population. (Abstract). Cummings MH, Kar P, Laight D, Shaw KM, Allard S. Diabetic Medicine 2008: 25 (Supp.1): 42
- Does aspirin have a dose dependent effect upon endothelial function in Type 2 diabetes? (Abstract). Raghavan RP, Allard SA, Shaw KM, Laight D, Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2008: 25 (Supp,1): 43
- The Effect of Oral Folic Acid upon Plasma Homocysteine, Endothelial Function and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (Original). Wotherspoon F, Laight DW, Turner C, Meeking DR, Allard SE, Munday LJ, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Int.J.Clin.Pract. 2008; 62: 569-574.
- Institute of Diabetes for Older People: surviving a sweet old age (leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2008; 25(6) : 221-222
- Safe Driving with Diabetes: Risks, Reality and Responsibilities (leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2008; 25(7): 262
- The effect of grapeseed extract upon oxidative stress in Type 2 diabetes is attenuated in individuals with a diet high in flavonoids (abstract). Kar P, Laight D, Atkin M, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Pract. Diab. Int. 2008; 25(6): 248
- Effects of grapeseed extract in Type 2 diabetic subjects: a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial looking at the effects upon inflammatory and metabolic markers (abstract). Kar P, Laight D, Shaw KM, Cummings MH. Diabetologia 2008; 51 (Supp1): S8-9
- Glycaemic disorders in patients with schizophrenia: the METEOR study (abstract). Shaw KM, De Hert M, Falissard B, Mauri M, Wetterling T. Diabetologia 2008; 51(Supp1): S285
- Diamicron MR: from beta cell protection to long-term clinical benefits (Chapter). Shaw KM. in Pancreatic Beta-Cell in Human Type 2 Diabetes ( ed. Marchetti P & Matthews D) Wiley-Blackwell 2009: 108-124
- Effects of Grape Seed Extract in Type 2 Diabetic subjects at high Cardiovascular Risk: a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial examining metabolic markers, vascular tone, inflammation, oxidative stress & insulin sensitivity. Kar P, Laight D, Rooprait HK, Shaw KM & Cummings MH. Diabetic Medicine 2009; 26(5): 526-531
- HbA1c: new unit of measurement necessitates a new educational exercise (Leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26 (3): 134
- New treatment options for glucose control in type 2 diabetes: an opportunity for individualised therapy is now possible(Leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26 (5):174-175
- Patient Involvement in Clinical Trials :promoting participation and recruitment (Leader). Cummings MH, Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26 (6): 214
- The Meteor Study (i) of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in patients with schizophrenia treated with anti-psychotic drugs. De Hert M, Mauri M, Shaw K, Wetterling T, Falissard B. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (submitted)
- The Meteor Study (ii) Prevalence of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in patients with Schizophrenia treated with anti-psychotic drugs. Falissard B, De Hert M, Mauri M, Shaw K, Wetterling T. (for submission)
- The Meteor Study (iii). Anti-psychotic drug treatment and risk of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in patients with schizophrenia. Mauri M, De Hert M, Falissard B, Shaw K, Wetterling T. International Clinical Psychopharmacology (submitted)
- The Meteor Study (iv). Glycaemic disorders in patients with schizophrenia treated with anti-psychotic drugs. Shaw K, De Hert M, Mauri M, Wetterling T, Fallissard B. (for submission)
- The links between dysglycaemia, insulin resistance, endothelial function and oxidative stress: effect of different doses of aspirin in subjects with type 2 diabetes & high cardiovascular risk. Raghavan R, Laight D, Allard S, Shaw KM, Cummings MH (for submission)
- Twenty-five years on ... (Editorial) Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26(7):254
- Swine Flu and Diabetes (Editorial). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26 (8): 312-313
- Principles of safe driving on insulin: the message is still not getting across. Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2009; 26(8): 316
- The METEOR study of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotic drugs. 1. Methodology. De Hert M, Mauri M, Shaw K, Wetterling T, Doble A, Giudicelli, Falissard B. Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 2010; DOI:10.1002/mpr.322
- Caring for elderly people with diabetes in residential homes: launch of revised UK good clinical practice guidelines (Leader) Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes International 2010; 27(6): 217-218
- Diabetes Centres: adapting to change (Leader) Shaw KM, Feher M. Practical Diabetes International 2010; 27(7): 269-270
- Driving and diabetes: new licensing standards by European Union directive (Leader). Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes 2011; 28 (9): 375-376
- Arnold Bloom's legacy today: the art of medicine in an evidence-based world (State of the Art Lecture), Shaw KM. Practical Diabetes 2011; 28(9): 400-403
- Driving and Diabetes: the new DVLA licensing standards (Leader). Shaw K. Prescriber 2011; 22 (22): 7-9
- Battle of the Gastric Bands (Media). Shaw Ken. Mail on Sunday 24 April 2011
- Moving with the Times. Birch C, Shaw K (Editorial Leader). Practical Diabetes 2011; 28 (5): 198 Developing New Models of Diabetes Care: sharing success from local innovation (Editorial Leader). Shaw K. Practical Diabetes 2011; 28 (7):288-289 Preparing for the Speciality Certificate Examination ( Leader). Goenka N, Wilmot E, Shaw K. Practical Diabetes International 2011; 28(1): 9
- Diabetes: Chronic Complications (Book, third edition). Editors Kenneth M. Shaw & Michael H. Cummings. Wiley-Blackwell (ISBN 978-0-470-65618-1) 2012
- Diabetes and the Heart. Fisher M, Shaw KM. in Diabetes: Chronic Complications 2012, Eds Shaw KM & Cummings MH, 165-189
- Aspirin and Diabetes: prescribing attitudes reflect clinical uncertainties (Commentary) Shaw KM, Practical Diabetes 2012: 220
- Type 3 Diabetes": linking a brain insulin-resistant state with dementia and Alzheimer's disease (Leader). Shaw K M. Practical Diabetes 2013; 30 (3): 102-103
- A Privilege and a Pleasure. Shaw KM. (Editorial) Practical Diabetes 2014; 31(5) 1
- Safe Driving on insulin: improving implementation using new technology in glucose monitoring? Shaw KM. (Editorial) Practical Diabetes 2014 31(9) 1-2
- Railway workers with diabetes: the next in line? Shaw K M (Commentary) Practical Diabetes 2015; 32 (6): 197
- Setting occupational standards for insulin-treated diabetes at sea, on land and in the air. Shaw K M (Review) Practical Diabetes 2015; 32(7): 241-246
- Blood glucose monitoring and driving safety. Shaw K M (abstract) Symposium Occupational hazards and diabetes. Royal Society of Medicine, October 2015
- Shaw KM. James Lind in “Portchester: a community history” ed Bryan Jerrard 2016: 30-3
- A Cognitive Challenge. Shaw K M (Commentary) Practical Diabetes 2016; 33(4): 122
- Development of a protocol to allow commercial pilots with insulin-treated diabetes to fly. Mitchell SJ, Vening J, Montague J, Frier BM, Heller SR, Shaw KM, Russell-Jones D. (submitted to EASD)
- Evaluation of the UK Civil Aviation Authority programme to certify people with insulin-treated diabetes to hold a commercial pilot licence. Hine J, Mitchell SJ, Evans S, Vening J, Montague J, Shaw KM, Russell-Jones D. (submitted to EASD)
- Shaw KM. “Type 3” diabetes: a brain insulin-resistant state linked to Alzheimer’s disease (Editorial). Practical Diabetes 2017; 34 (6): 187-188
- Mitchell SJ, Hine j, Vening, j, Montague J, Evans S, Shaw KM, Frier BM, Heller SR, Russell-Jones DL. A UK Civil Aviation Authority protocol to allow pilots with insulin-treated diabetes to fly commercial aircraft. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2017: 5 (9) 677-679
- Tribute To John Wales
- Tribute To John Wales - British Journal of Diabetes 2017; 17: 165-16
- DVLA approves glucose sensor technology for Group 1 drivers (Editorial). Shaw K. Practical Diabetes 2019; 36 (2): 1
- The Life and Legacy of Doctor James Lind (Book). Shaw K. 2019. ISBN 978-1-5272-3919-7. Publishers St.Mary’s PC, PO16 9PY
- Type 2 Diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease (Editorial) Shaw K. Practical Diabetes 2019; 36(4): 115-16
- Russell-Jones DL, Frier BM, Shaw KM. USA joins Canada, UK, Ireland and Austria in allowing people with insulin-treated diabetes to fly commercial aircraft. Diabetic Medicine 2020; 37: 1202-1203.
- Garden GL, Hine JL, Mitchell SJ, Shaw KM, Russell-Jones DL et al. An evaluation of the safety of pilots with insulin-treated diabetes flying commercial aircraft. Diabetes Care 2020; 43: 2923-2929
- Shaw KM. The Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 infection ((Editorial). Practical Diabetes 2020; 37(3): 79-80
- Shaw KM. The significance of hyperglycaemia and other comorbidities during the COVID-19 pandemic (Editorial). Practical Diabetes 2020 37(5): 157-159
- Partha Kar ; Charlotte Goward ; Michael Whitman ; Mark Davies Tamara Willner, Ken Shaw. Engagement and effectiveness of digitally enabled behavioural change support for people living with type 2 diabetes: a service evaluation. Practical Diabetes 2020; 37(5): 167-172
- Shaw K., Garden Gillian. Enabling equality of employment with insulin treated diabetes in safety-critical occupations (Editorial). Practical Diabetes 2020; 37(6): 1-2
- Shaw K M. Cancer now the leading cause of death with diabetes (Commentary). Practical Diabetes 2021; 38(2): 1
- Garden GL,Frier BM, Hine J, Hutchison EJ, Mitchell SJ, Shaw KM et al Blood glucose monitoring by insulin-treated pilots of commercial and private aircraft: An analysis of out-of-range values. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021;23(10):2303–2310
- Shaw KM. Combined COVID-19 and influenza infection: An imminent “Double Whammy” ahead? Practical Diabetes 2022; 39(6):3-4
- Greenwood R, Shaw KM. The Silver Jubilee of the ABCD: the early history of the Association. Brit. Journ. Diabetes 2022; 22: 54-57
- Shaw K. Insulin: a momentous transformation of diabetes care from the 1970s to the millennium. British Journal of Diabetes 2022; 22(supp1): S13-S18
Garden GL, Shojaee-Moradie F, Hutchison E, Frier BM, Shaw K, Heller S, Koehler G, Mader JK, Maher D, Roberts G, Russell-Jones D. Diabetes Technol Ther 2023. PMID: 37384853 DOI: 10.1089/dia.2023.0069
Gillian L. Garden . Ka Siu Fan . Megan Paterson . Fariba Shojaee‑Moradie . Monique Borg Inguanez . Antonios Manol . Victoria Edwards. Vivienne Lee . Brian M. Frier . Ewan J. Hutchison . Declan Maher . Chantal Mathieu . Stuart J. Mitchell . Simon R. Heller. Graham A. Roberts . Kenneth M. Shaw . Gerd Koehler . Julia K. Mader . Bruce R. King. David L. Russell‑Jones . EASA Diabetes Consortium